Metabolic Blueprint

Reboot your metabolism and end diet drama with sustainable, personalized habits that get you to your goals.

We have been told that 10 days to lose 20 pounds is possible.
It’s not.

Our Iron Lab coaches have over 15 years of experience coaching over a thousand clients to lose weight and get stronger.

One of the most toxic strategies in the fitness industry has been the use of QUICK FIX, short term, deprivation and depletion diets that taught crappy eating habits to generations of women who were just desperate to get thinner and feel better about their life.

The chronic calorie restriction and endless hours of cardio created scores of women who continue to go back to those outdated nutrition habits in an effort to lose 10-25lbs.

Combined calorie restriction with diet drama - low fat, carnivore, vegetarian, smoothie, keto, no sugar diet culture - we all have major nutrition confusion and a metabolism that’s in the tank.

On top of that, we are chronically stressed, suffer from routine sleep disruption and move our body less than ever before.

The Metabolic Blueprint is the foundation program of metabolic health and strength. It is a ‘live and learn’ lifestyle program to replace calorie controlled, restrictive, short term diets that set us up for long term struggle and repetitive diet programs.

It will REBOOT and REV UP your sluggish metabolism while building strength (and a roaring hot furnace!) and making smart and easy food choices that support our body goals. And we do it while building habits that feel sustainable and effortless for real life.

An added bonus is that your coach is an expert in nutrition and health coaching, but also the mindset coaching. We also spend time working common issues like conquering self-sabotage, disordered eating and orthorexia and following through for ourselves. The Metabolic Blueprint is an investment in your health and future.

Apply To Get Coached

Are you thinking about the Metabolic Blueprint? Maybe you need more information and a conversation about what it is?

There are 3 Pillars to the Metabolic Blueprint

Flexible Nutrition Strategy

It all begins with food as the foundation. Diets don’t work because they are restrictive and unsustainable. Our work together, is to build habits that optimize your health and build the body you want.

Train with Intention

The goal is not to crush ourselves with cardio day in and day out, but to build muscle and fire up the furnace that is our metabolism. We lift. We recover. We walk. We stretch.

Your Coach

By committing to the Metabolic Blueprint, you work closely with an assigned expert coach who supports your goals, and is accessible to you 24/7, and provides you with the accountability and encouragement you need to hit your target.

“I love the slow down approach to the Metabolic Blueprint. The program teaches me how to make choices that also support my regular life without gimmicks. I also appreciate my coach and never feel judged.

— Heidi

“Normally, I am dead tired and mentally exhausted at the point in the year. This program has helped me find personal time, and to stay recharged. I may have had energy and creative low points this year, but not complete burn out like I have regularly before. This was the background goal I have had for the last few years, so realizing it feels phenomenal!”

- Chantelle

“I absolutely love how it is programmed just for me, not 200 other people. We aren’t all the same. We have different goals and challenges. I’m so happy that this is so specific to me and my expectations of myself.

My coach is so approachable and supportive. I have cried, laughed, complained and celebrated with her. She’ll listen with a sympathetic ear but also kick my ass when I need it.

- Yvonne

“I appreciate the accountability and getting an understanding of why we do what we … like why I get cravings.

I absolutely love that we have choice in what we eat. We have full support and guidance on our choices but it’s all about finding and listening to our body in a more intuitive way and what works best for the individual.

And I love the philosophy of meeting myself where I am in the moment, knowing I don’t have to be perfect - there is always a flow in life.

The personal aha moments have been amazing - the mental transformation has been an important part of this journey for me.”



  • UNLIMITED Monthly Training Sessions (6x week) in person or remotely and Yin Yoga (3x week) currently available in house only

  • access to our Iron Lab app for tracking

  • 24 access to your Coach via messaging

  • 2, 1:1 Nutrition Coaching Sessions, up to 1 hour as required every month

  • Set personal goals and work closely with your coach to reach them

  • Metabolic Blueprint is completely personalized, and is a minimum 3 month commitment

Apply To Get Coached

Are you thinking about the Metabolic Blueprint? Maybe you need more information and a conversation about what it is?